Sunday, March 1, 2009

Getting Older, Remaining Young

As my days of youth seem to slowly disperse into the past, I look around and I Wonder by Kanye West is blasting through my ipod headphones. " I......wait....ed my....whole life" to finally understand what i am destine to do, what I'm destine to be, where I'm destine to go...its like so many thoughts speed through my intellectual high way, causing all lanes to be over crowed. The car horns of deep thoughts fill the open mind leaving no room to roam free on these over crowed empty express ways...When i slowly snap back into reality I ask my self how many dudes with in my age range possess the mentality that I have, the mentality of never giving up...

While my physical remains rather youthful my mentality ages like a wise old man, at times i feel that I'm up on a elevated level...a level that took me dealing with adult like situation with a child or should i say a young mans age....although I still have the same characteristics of your typical 22 year old I continue to remain a some what unique some what diverse individual....stay with me y'all I hope I'm not boring you, it becomes a constant tug of war when trying to remain young while I'm getting older...even though my age represents that I'm still a "baby" there are people who have me by decades who still live careless and at times i wonder am i missing i chasing these goals to soon, and the answer that i always get is NO, NO, NO.

See no matter how much you infantilize me I continue to allow my mind to expand just like those rare few who get looked at as weird because instead of embracing the stereotype, they try to evade it and defeat it...nothing is true until you believe and i believe that i shall succeed because failure is not an option....but this isn't about failing this about getting old and i guess i failed at expressing that or did closely ladies and gentlemen....i once learn when you cut down a tree by counting the rings that are on the stump you can tell how old the tree really maybe if we cut me in half there would be something that would clarify how old my internal self maybe....This is the realistic version of Benjamin Button each calendar change I age another year and wonder to myself why don't i act out the way my peers do...Pop champagne on stages call woman b's and run trains on the neighborhood skee, why do I plan for tomorrow if i havent finished today...crazy shit is i wasnt always like this i did live careless i did call woman b's and i did do things that i cant say im proud of but those same exact things have molded me into the handsome dark chocolate icon you may or may not know.And i know that may seem cliche to alot of people but to everyone who say that Dremur is "new" or "different" I still remain, i just allowed my self to veiw things in a worldy mind is getting old while my soul remains young.....I guess this is just yet another never ending thought because "I am A Young Heart, With A Old Soul"