What is a woman's worth??? A question that many men wonder and say they understand and know the exact value of a women, but do they? Do these men really understand the value of these women. Well I'm not going to say they all do but a large proportion of them do, now I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I'm le professionnel when it comes to woman but i do know how they should be treated, well at least i think I know....this here is my testament on what I feel a woman's worth is....
While it may seem cliche to say a woman is worth more than any amount of currency this dysfunctional country can produce it is obviously true. We have all heard of with out a strong woman by a man's side he can not be successful. Now I know i have raised a few eye brows among those MACHO MEN little boys who feel they don't "NEED NO BITCH" ....but lets be real folks if you don't have a girlfriend you love, there is definitely still a woman you love (mother, granny, aunt, daughter etc). And these woman inspire you to do great things point, blank, period....Most woman are viewed as gold diggers, scandalous hoes, skanks, smut and sooooo much more....But are they really all these things....
To me a woman is the gateway to all things possible....yeah it takes two to make....one to carry....one to push....one to have her vagina stretched out in order for this future leader to be brought into this world...and one so called "real man" to verbally slap that woman down and degrade her to be labeled a hoar...Wrong in so many ways....
I feel that no woman should have to go through such things but realistically they do....To me a woman's worth is priceless...no matter shape, size or creed there isn't any estimated value that you can place on a woman....This country was built on the backs of black men who were determined to make things right for their black women...someone tell this black man where did that determination go??? I'm not saying that we should all hail to the queen but mothers day , anniversaries birthday, and valentines day shouldn't be the only days we cater to our women...
Yeah they piss you off at times and you can't stand being around them but lets keep it real when you found that soul sister that holds you down and when i say hold you down i don't mean she will scrap for you I mean three-hundred and sixty degrees....she holds you down...she is more than someone you sling dick to......She is your air you are her trees.....she is your moon you are her ocean tide....
Understanding the true value of a woman takes alot and even to this day I's still learning...we do our dirt, truth be told there is nothing more greater than finding your soul sister....i think I found mine :-)....Treat that woman special because understand this ever DOG gets his bone BUT every BITCH won't bite....respect that woman understand that woman....and that woman will show you that all things is possible
With that said Peace Love and Prosperity
~~~~the rebel the poet the mc
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