So this morning I woke up and I found myself watching the news for the first time in a long ass time.....and I actually saw something very interesting but extremely sad...Can't remember the details to the T but feel free to do the research...
A young girl was hit in the cross fire of a shoot out in the Mott Haven area of the Bronx 2 other people were hit as well....and then later on that evening a couple was shot while sitting in a car. And now there will be this non-violence rally,I also heard that 106 and Park had like a non-violence special and Jeremih spoke to the teens...that was all fine and dandy but being honest folks how can we stop something that the United States of America was created off..
Violence is a disease that has been spread for years its a bigger epidemic than the flu,bigger than the AIDS virus. For years people have been trying to stop it, yet we invade countries we still have police officers abusing their power and so many dysfunctional traits that lead to more VIOLENCE...
While it seems okay to use gangs, drug, and hip-hop as a scape goat for why there is so much violence in the streets its really not. No matter what you use as a reason for war, reasons for attacking an unarmed person no matter what race or creed that is still a act of violence....
Standing up and saying that we need to stop violence in our community rises above the urban neighborhoods we reside in, its time we stand on the step of City Hall and fuck being political we need to be real about it and face the facts...Just because I'm living a positive lifestyle doesn't mean that the next guy wont take my life....LETS GET IT TOGETHER
Now I'm not acting for use to have a modern day Utopia but lets be serious somethings need to change....They stopped spraying us with water a long time ago and turned it into floods of bullet shells, racial slurs, subliminal racism and hate amongst our selves....
----Peace Love Prosperity
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